Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Charles Taylor Sentenced

Yes 50 years that’s how many years Liberian ex-leader has been sentenced by a UN-backed court in The Hague. For what crimes you ask? Well for allegedly supporting the rebels in his country back in the 90’s when he was the leader of Liberia. Sure no doubt the rebels did a lot of bad, I mean terrible and horrible things to the citizens who supported the government in power or those who dared to oppose the rebels. But with the little I know people are sentenced or convicted by the crimes they are involved in, but with what I see today Charles Taylor was convicted and prosecuted and further on jailed 50 years for crimes committed by others when he was the leader of his country.

So the question I ask myself and the world is; Can any leader or who so ever leads a country be prosecuted by the I.C.C (International Criminal Court) for crimes committed against humanity during his or her reign whether or not he had anything to do with it directly or indirectly.
If the answer to my question is yes then with even the little I know most world leaders should be showing be visiting The Hague because it’s no news most horrific events has happened under the rule of most leaders in the world today. Not even to talk of the UN themselves who in recent years has supported repels in some parts of the world to go against so called dictating leaders of such nations where similar or even worst cases have happened. If that is the yard stick used to measure Taylors conviction then I think the I.C.C needs inviting more leaders of the world in some cases where these leaders were leading some great nations of the world today.
It saddens my heart that most leaders in Africa who took power in unconstitutional ways (military coup) in the name of the constitutional governments not performing have their followers or appointed government officials abusing their offices in these cases when the leaders of such governments are being blamed for actions as such. But be warned and beware though because not all of these coup leaders are innocent of these charges. Some before acquiring power and the trust of the people they so proclaim they are protecting or fighting for are calm and innocent as the me and you who know nothing about what exactly is going on but after assuming power and national wealth they seem to forget their promises and turn to be controlled by their acquired power and national wealth which was created by the toils and sweat of the people. It’s just sad and a pity.
And why Charles Taylor isn’t serving his sentence in the lands where the crimes under which he was sentenced were committed is another topic for tomorrow.

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